Sunday, November 28, 2010

Individual Container Follow-Up

What she ate:
1 Sandwich, 1 Carrot Stick, 3 pieces of Cucumber, 1 Yoghurt Cup

So, here is Lily's sitter Kelly's picture of what came home from school.
(Mad props for helping me out Kel! Thanks!!)
If you look at the list of what she ate, 
you'll see she actually didn't do too bad at school today.
After she was allowed to snack at Kelly's, the only thing that remained was the banana.
Apparently it did made a small difference if the foods were separated!

With this new information in mind,
her sitter, her father, and I,
devised a plan!

Starting Monday:

-Her recess will be in a special container marked as such.
The reason being:
She might be filling up on her recess too much, then having no appetite at lunch, 
and coming home starving.
Also, it eliminates choice, thus saving time, giving her longer to eat her snack.

-She will wear a wristwatch with a timer set to go off 10 minutes before the end of lunch.
The reason being:
We suspect she has my ADD-Inattentive Type.
This does not mean that she is hyperactive.  
Quite the opposite, 
it means that more so than other kids, she zones out, and has trouble focusing.
For this, she will need to learn tricks and tools to keep herself on task.

-I will slightly decrease the amount of food packed in her lunch

But most importantly...
-We will continue to make creative lunches, 
but with adjustments made to make the lunches optimal for devouring :)

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